Monday, June 29, 2009

Me Too

I was reminded this past week how quickly childhood goes. My baby is 7 and I have no diapers to change. Until I go to Suzy's house. She had baby Alice on June 23rd. I made it there with 6 minutes to spare before Suzy courageously pushed sweet Alice into this world. I literally made it just in the nick of time, 3:20pm. She was born at 3:26pm. And let me tell you about my brave sister. Wow. I know what labor pain feels like but I have always taken the easy way out before it comes time for the pushing. And there Suzy was calmly and intently focusing on not freaking out while giving birth without an epidural. Amazing. She should have been a pioneer.

Alice is as perfect as a perfect little newborn baby girl can be. Lots of cute little everythings! And two very adorable sisters. Wow did they keep me busy. I can still hear Georgia "Me too shirt on!" "Me too giper (diaper)". It was me too everything. She reminds me of Gillian with her intensity. Mary is such a great big sister. Such a sweet and thoughtful girl. Still trying to figure out what Georgia's "heychooheychoo" means. It actually sounds like "hate you hate you", but I KNOW she can't mean that since she says it in almost every sentence.

The girls tried out this Barbie Cadillac at Toys R Us. Georgia was NOT happy when we left.

I enjoyed a couple of walk/jogs on the beach. Missed my kids and I think they missed me. Drew kept calling in tears because of heartburn or a sideache. Now that I'm home her symptoms have disappeared. I swear my kids have grown in the past 6 days since I've been gone. Maybe I just got used to smaller humans for a bit. It was fun. Now I'm having a different kind of fun as I coerce my children into helping me do yardwork. Their reward today was going to the pool at the gym. Don't know how to keep bribing them but I'm sure I'll come up with something.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Worst Day Ever!

It's amazing how quickly a day can turn from good to the Worst Day Ever. This is according to the darling Gillian. She was not invited to the 3rd grade after school party at the Jenson's, just Drew was. Tears, ranting and raving, foaming at the mouth, until Kassie came over and told her to get her swimsuit on and come over. But in the meantime I found a note that she had written. It needs some explanation since she has altered it after the worst day ever was over. I came in to find on the table an angry note saying "From Gillian....This is the 'Wrst' day ever!" When I commented on it she said "I didn't write that." A little while later she brought it to me and the "From Gillian" at the top was scribbled out and "mistery name" was added with clues as to who really wrote it. "Starts with a D." Hmmmm, Darren! But no! Not Darren. At the very bottom in very tiny letters the "mistery" is solved, "it's Drew."

Then she decided to try to get Gavin in trouble. She brought Drew the following paper.

I have no words for this one. When I told her that Gavin has been out riding his bike with Joel all afternoon and didn't have time to construct a death note she said "maybe he did it earlier." Then I just looked at her and she said "Ok, I did it!" Then she ran off to play with Drew.

Is this normal? Does she need counseling?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Why not?

And why not take a bath with popsicles? And Barbies. When my friend Rebecca came into my bathroom once she laughed really hard about the Barbies that have taken over the bathtub. I guess that it's one of those things I'm used to and it just sort of blends in to the background and I clean around them. Or maybe I just don't clean my bathtub that often and they have been there a while? Hard to remember. I think they live on the side of my bathtub. Hey, whatever it takes to have clean girls. Popsicles, Barbies.... bring it on! As soon as I took this picture Drew said "Don't put this picture on the internet!" Oh well, I couldn't resist. Plus, she didn't tell me not to put it on my blog.


Too many changes. Seriously. I mean, teenager, glasses, braces. What's next, driving? And I had to buy him all new boxer shorts today in a larger size, new socks, new church pants. Tomorrow I need to buy him some new church shoes. Unbelievable. STOP GROWING!