Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Week of hot

Last week was great. Darren had Wednesday-Friday off. We did quite a bit of boating as the weather was nice and hot. We are really enjoying having a boat to use whenever we want and I'm pretty sure our friends are enjoying it as well. We thought long and hard before taking that leap and finding a good deal on a used boat. I think that it will definitely be a good investment since our family vacations usually consist of camping at the lake. Not bad to be able to ski all winter and summer! Anyway, we had a blast tubing behind the boat. The water was pretty choppy which makes for a fun ride and also made Gavin bounce right off the tube and do a back flip off the back. I laughed so hard the whole time that my cheeks hurt.

July 4th was spent at Bryce and Becky's house. Gavin was so excited the whole day for the pyrotechnics. We went up to the Indian Reservation to purchase the "good" fireworks. Gavin also learned that on July 5th it is not ok to shoot off bottle rockets in our cul-de-sac. He was very upset when the police showed up and confiscated his goods. Luckily he still had some left in the house. He ranted for a bit about how unpatriotic the Bothell Police are.

Gillian and Isabelle looking patriotic