Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dog Blog

George got a mohawk. Don't know why. I just asked the groomer if she ever did them and she said "all the time." So I was bored and in a weird mood and said go for it. Now he looks like Mr. T. Or like a conehead. It's awesome. Gavin hates it. He says it's hard to take George seriously. Really? Since when can anyone take George seriously? It's not like he's going to be in any dog shows ever. Just a nice fun summer cut. I think he feels tougher. I should pierce his nose.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I've been to Home Depot a lot this week. Our neighbor painted his house, so before he had that done he chopped down the trees and bushes along his house. He never sees that side of his yard and is not much into yard work in the first place. So I asked him if he had plans for the 5 stumps and weeds. He laughed and said that he might place some garden trolls on each stump and let nature take it's course with the rest. I told him that I would take over if he didn't mind. I have to admit that every time I drove up to Home Depot I was tempted to take a Mexican or two home to toil in my yard. But then that would be less fun for me to have in my yard. Plus, there's something satisfying in doing a job all by myself. Okay, I will admit that Bryan stopped by to borrow my hedge clippers and helped me remove a couple of stumps, but other than that I did it all. Okay, not exactly. When he stopped by again a couple of days later to check progress on his way to work he helped me dig a couple of holes. But otherwise, I am my own Pedro. I actually like yard work. My friend calls herself Consuela when she does all the housework without any help. I prefer Pedro. Don't know why, just do. Maybe it has something to do with a strange dream I once had where I went in for a facial and I came out with a whole new head. I had a Mexican man's head on my body and the head was extra large. At least he had really nice white straight teeth, but still it was disturbing. In my dream people didn't seem to think it was a big deal that I had a new head. At least I still had my own voice and body. It was just strange looking in the mirror.....

Anyway, I spent the week fixing my neighbor's yard and I think it looks pretty good.

Before the planting but after stump removal
After hours and hours and about 30 bags of bark (and new plants of course!)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

summer, summer, summer

The past 3 weeks has been a whirlwind of travel, play, fun, and family. We started off visiting my good friend Angie in American Fork Utah. When we first arrived to Utah the kids were so surprised at how bright the sun was. Gavin wanted to camp out in Angie's basement the whole time we were there. He's not a fan of sunshine. He was happy when we went to Cabela's and on a hike. I enjoyed busting my butt at Angie's Crossfit gym. Never knew that I could be sore in that many places at once!

Next we went to Park City for our Crockett reunion. We started off with the Sheldon's barfing the first day, then mom the next day, followed by Gavin and then Lisa. Sweet. What is a family gathering without passing around one giant puke germ?

Mostly the kids were just happy swimming at the Marriott pool, which was just fine with me.

Gillian, Mary, Drew
Mary, Gillian, Georgia, Nora
Alice with her impression of Jack Nicholson in the "Shining"

From Utah we drove to McCall, Idaho for Darren's family reunion. We camped at the lake and had a great time with his cousins. Darren brought the boat and all of the cousins had fun tubing. Gavin was happy to see Connor, Mitchell, and Simon (the triplets). Finally, cousins his age!