Sunday, September 12, 2010

First dance

Gavin is now 14 years old (has been since April). He can now officially go to church dances. This is how it went as I tried to get a before picture of him going to his first dance...

He quickly shut the door on me as I tried to get a picture of him coming out of the bathroom.

Then, Darren tried to help out by tackling him

And then Spencer comes in to try to help stabilize him.

It didn't work.

I got the update from his friends that he was very social and danced with girls. Oh my!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Banks Lake 2010

So much to catch up on. First of all we had a fantastic time at Banks Lake. We were there for 9 days. It was tempting to just forget about school, work, house, and never come home. We brought the dogs and they had a great time. There were 6 families and dozens of kids. I was the only one to get injured of course. This time not nearly as severe as last year. Just a black eye and bruised shoulder. This year we had the Buzz Bomb tube. Holy cow, that tube is fast. Rebecca was egging Darren on saying "is that all you got?'", which made Darren drive faster causing us to flip hard around a corner. We hit the water sooooo hard. But still, very fun.

Darren set up a movie theater with a sheet and a projector so that we could have movie night.
We had two movie nights.