Thursday, December 9, 2010

Disney fun

We spent December 1-5th at Suzy's in Huntington Beach. It was Mary's 7th birthday so we celebrated by going to Disneyland a few times. Gavin didn't want to go because he said that he would rather go to Alaska. Poor guy. He finally relented and ended up having a blast. The girls were giddy with happiness.

Hollywood Tower of terror (2nd row to the left, that's us)

Grandma and the girls on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Space Mountain. Everyone looks happy and I'm trying not to barf.

Splash Mountain. Grandma, Gilli, Mary, Drew, Cyn

Laura and Gilli. Gillian was NOT happy that we went on Heimlich's Chew Chew train because it is a little kids ride. I never heard the end of it.
Gillian the Mad Hatter

Toon Town
The teacup ride. I was trying REALLY hard not to throw up.
Bugs Life 3-D show
4 cute girls and a gingerbread house
Alice is hilarious. She walked around with this plastic thing on her head and she posed for me in the hallway (note the crossed feet!) So cute!
3 Crockett girls with long straight hair.
So, in summary, we had a great time in Southern California last week. I loved seeing the blue sky and feeling the sunshine on my face. I really miss it. I wish that I could see my family more and have my kids hang out with Sheldon cousins more. But I'll take what I can get.