Sunday, January 16, 2011

Butterfly dress and trying to sleep

I've been busy cleaning out closets and drawers. I came across Drew's favorite dress that she wore constantly when she was 3 years old. Can't believe how much she's changed!



In other news:
Ok, so I haven't been blogging, sorry dad.
Christmas came and went and we had fun and skied a bit, saw movies, had some snow, went to downtown Seattle, and just hung out.

I also had a sleep study done because Darren says that I snore heavily and gasp for breath. I do have apnea but not enough for a mask. My snoring is severe and the doctor wants my dentist to make a snore guard for me (I hear they're expensive, I hope that he doesn't charge too much). Most surprisingly I have Restless Leg Syndrome. Apparently I am spazzing out all night long and breakdancing in my sleep. I always wake up in the morning feeling not rested and I have a hard time going to sleep.

The sleep test was interesting. They glued lots of wires to me and then told me to go to sleep. Right. I needed and Ambien for that.

This is a picture of me cleaning out the garage. It was cold that day and I wore my new special hat that Darren got me for Christmas. I've been wanting to go through every single room and purge the clutter. The garage is still in process.

My favorite mug that I got at Disneyland

Spencer and Gavin both got footy pajamas for Christmas and they had a sleepover. Just like little kids. So cute.