Saturday, June 18, 2011

Great aspirations

For two weeks now I've gone around with a hockey puck sized hematoma in my left butt cheek. My rear is still bruised and painful and swollen. So yesterday after landing on my rear during a workout and screaming in pain I decided to go back to the doctor. My bump was growing and getting in the way of every day life. I couldn't lay on my back or sit on my left cheek. He sent me for an ultrasound and the radiologist said that it needed to be aspirated. After a shot of novocaine he put a large needle in my hockey puck and sucked out all of the hematoma. He got about 70cc's out (over 2 ounces) and now I can sit. I still have painful lumps and bruises but the uncomfortable butt implant is gone. Good riddance butt lump!

Friday, June 10, 2011


Gavin and Spencer on the tower of rafts
Whittling sticks around the campfire is a Greenhalgh favorite

Gillian and Karma
Last weekend we took our annual river rafting trip with our friends to Wenatchee. And of course what trip would be complete without a trip to the ER? It happened on our first run about a quarter of the way down the river. I got thrown from the raft and dragged through the rapids. I was violently slammed onto a submerged rock and hit my rear end and my foot. It was (and still is a week later) excruciating. I thought that for sure something was broken because I couldn't put any weight on it or move my toes. They put me on crutches, which was difficult because of the open blisters on my hands from the previous days workout of 140 pull ups
Both hands had stinging blisters
So I got to sit around the camp with the dogs. Our friends the Valentines had a lot of friends and family there and pretty much everyone brought their dogs. One of my favorites was Ruby, a Bull Staffordshire Terrier-- super muscly. She also grunted and snorted like a pig. Cute.

Despite the injury we had a blast. Super nice weather and lots of rapids.

My foot after the swelling had gone down
BEWARE: Below I will be Twittering some PG-13 pictures. They are just too amazingly grotesque to not share.
There, you have been warned....

Scotty and Spike

This post was meant to happen 2 weeks ago or so. I just let time get away from me.

Gillian and Drew (and me), were really into American Idol this season. On the evening of the final show Gillian made signs for our favorite, Scotty. He ended up winning and we celebrated. That same day Gillian carried around her newest pet, Spike the snail. She has been very fascinated with snails lately and now keeps Spike in a jar in her room. He has dirt, lettuce and a little bit of water. I'm not sure if he's still alive but at least she's happy.