Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Banks Lake 2011

The Rig.... all ready to leave for Banks Lake

Banks Lake happened one month ago. Yep, I'm very very behind in my blogging and in everything else too. So to briefly sum up the trip..... it was awesome as usual. Mom, Suzy and her girls traveled up here and came with us. I've always wanted some of my kin to join me on our annual extravaganza. Laura came about 4 years ago and this time I got 5 extra family members. Score! And most importantly we added a new baby to our family. Darren picked up a baby Chihuahua on the way to Banks Lake. Gavin and Drew named her LaFawnda and Gillian re-named her Roxy. Gillian begged and begged and BEGGED for a baby Chihuahua ever since her friend got Lightening, so we picked up his sister. Now we have 3 dogs. Now I feel like crazy dog hoarder lady. But she is pretty cute.

We visited the Grand Coulee Dam. First time we've taken the tour in the 7 years we've been going to Banks Lake.

Georgia made friends with the Valentine girls, Veraty and Xela. She didn't know their names, just called them her friends.

Our beloved Buzz Bomb tube was fun for all.

Darren the Dog Whisperer

Nasca, Jenny and I all got up the courage to jump off of a 45 foot cliff. Crazy, scary, fun. That's me in the middle. I always make sure I plug my nose way before I hit the water.

Gavin spent most of his time jet skiing. He got pretty good at it.

Drew also picked up jet skiing pretty quickly too.

Alice cracks me up. She's always doing something. Always into something. I love it. Yes, this is a paper bowl on her head. I don't know why.

Cute, sweet Mary
I didn't get many pictures of Suzy so this is proof that she was there at the lake. It was so nice having her there. I love that people always say that we look so much like sisters, it makes me happy.
For the past 2 years I have convinced Darren to shave a big long mustache. I think he looks very very handsome. I think he IS very very handsome.

Everyone at camp fell in love with Roxy so the Pedigo's picked up the last pup of the litter on the way home and named him Coulee. This is Brooke, Coulee, Gillian, and Roxy.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Anderson Island

I am way behind in blogging. This post happened on July 16th. I took the girls to Anderson Island for a CrossFit annual party. Our friend Steve has a house there and we had a big barbeque and lake party. Typical Washington weather but warm enough to swim.

Gillian and Lightening, the baby Chihuahua

Drew and Gillian caught on quickly to stand up paddleboarding