Monday, September 26, 2011


Drew had a tubing party this past weekend. It was the last warm day of the year. So much fun. And then today my little girl turned 12. I can't believe it. She is now a young woman. And such a fantastic, responsible, beautiful, and sweet young woman she is. I am so lucky to be a mom to this fabulous girl.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Catching up with California

Since I am a month behind in blogging I figure it's about time that I write about California. I drove to Castro Valley with the girls, Gavin stayed behind to go on a High Adventure scout hike. I even made it there in just one day. That's the first time I've driven that long without another driver. It went amazingly well.

Bruce and Roxy. Same color, different size.

Suzy and kids were at mom and dad's house. After a few days we drove to Suzy's. Me, Suzy, and our 5 girls. It was pretty good until about LA, then it got pretty loud. But all in all it was pretty mellow.

Our week in Huntington Beach was fabulous. It consisted of swimming, surfing, and swimming. Gillian was very insistent on swimming. Gavin and Drew took up surfing and loved it. I was amazed at how many waves they caught and their ability to stand up and surf all the way to shore.

It was sad to leave. We all enjoyed our visit so much and the kids all want to move to California. Pretty sure that is never going to happen but we can always go and visit.