Sunday, January 22, 2012

Winter Wonderland

This past week brought lots and lots of snow. Along with that school was cancelled for the entire week. Most of Darren's patients cancelled so he had time home too. Overall it was fun, except when I was trying to drive. I left the driving to Darren. It was nerve wracking even in four wheel drive.

Our power went out several times. It was kind of fun. Darren cooked a yummy breakfast burrito on our wood burning stove. We got a great workout just carrying in wood to stock up for the storm. It's amazing how warm the stoves keep the house. Also, when the power goes out the generator automatically comes on. Pretty nice.

This is the rickety ladder that we have to climb to get to the hay. Kind of treacherous in the snow.

Darren and I dropped Drew off at a friends house to go sledding. She was very concerned before we left because of the way we were dressed. Darren was wearing his canvas overalls and I was dressed for the storm. She said "Great, now I'll be known as the kid whose parents dress like hobos!" This is me dressed like a hobo.