Monday, July 2, 2012

In the weeds

When I used to wait tables at Chili's there was a saying if you were very busy and running behind.  You would just say "I'm in the weeds."  Well, I can say that now about my live both literally and figuratively.  We have 10 acres and a lot of it has been overtaken by an obnoxious weed called curly dock.  I have spent many many hours over the past month pulling weeds.  My fingers are actually swollen at this point because of these darn weeds.

And that is how I feel in general about my life right now.  School ended abruptly, or so it seemed, and I'm constantly behind in everything.  The kids are just wanting to have fun and I'm just wanting to get stuff done around here. The weather is not very summery so it just doesn't feel like summer.  The weeds have taken over my life for the past few weeks.  I pull them, poison them, dream about them, and then pull more of them.  There is no time to ride horses.  There is barely time to keep up with the laundry.

Another project that we have going on around here is building a chicken coop off the barn.  We will be painting the barn soon and we started on the section that has the coop on it.  I love seeing the difference that a fresh coat of paint makes.  Ever since I was little I dreamed of having a red barn, and now I have one.  It is awesome, and it is one of my favorite places to hang out.  I actually love the smell of it.  Darren and I still can't believe that we are actually living here.  Even though I am constantly in the weeds I love it.

The girls had a fun lacrosse season.

Gillian's nickname on her team was killer because she did so well for her first year.   She also got the "speedy" award for her team because she was so fast.

Drew had fun playing on a team with a bunch of her classmates

This is the Plague....

This is what I've been doing to the plague.

This is what Shadow has been doing.  Destroying everything around.  This was a brand new Sonicare that I had used just once.  

Darren's awesome painting outfit for the barn.

 A frog the size of Roxy outside of our garage.

 We went river rafting last month with our friends to Wenatchee.  Gillian hung out with Kellen Richey. They were like two peas in a pod.  After the trip Gillian said "Kellen is my best friend."

Gillian caught a snake and was really upset that I wouldn't let her keep it.  

Almost done with the chicken coop addition

This past week we went to Lake Chelan with Joelle and her kids.  Drew is looking so old!