Monday, July 1, 2013

Big long road trip

We left for Utah on June 19th.  First stop was Kaysville, UT. where we stayed at Aunt Linda's house with my mom.  We went to my cousin Shauna's son Alec's wedding reception.  The kids met several of their second cousins and really got along well.  So the girls went to Lagoon with my cousin Vicki and her kids and some other cousins.  I took Gavin shopping and to a movie on that day.  The girls had a blast at Lagoon.  Gillian played with Maile and Aiden and Drew hung out mostly with Austin.  On that Saturday aunt Joanne had a big family get together at her house.  It was so nice to see everyone.  Joanne is battling cancer right now and doesn't feel her best but she sure put on a good feast as usual.  

Emily, Levi, Vicki, me, Drew
Drew, Aiden, Gillian, and Isaac
Mom with her sisters and cousins
Darren's cousin Don met Gavin, Drew and I at the gun range the next week.  He was stunned at what a good shot Gavin is.  Drew shot very well for her first time too.  And me.... not so much.  But we had fun and learned some good tactical maneuvers.  

sharp shooter
The worst day was last Thursday.  I was going to take the girls up to Lagoon and meet up with Vicki, Sue, and their kids.  Gavin flew home that day.  As I was dropping him off at Ginger's house (she took him to the airport) Angie called from work and said that Noah called to tell her that Roxy had escaped the makeshift playpen that we left her in outside.  I didn't want to leave her locked in her crate all day so we brought out a big crate and left her outside.  I didn't happen to notice on one side that the holes in the crate were Roxy sized.  So I dropped off the girls with Vicki and rushed back down to Orem to locate Tiny Baby.  I thought that I would find her hiding in the house or yard and be able to go back to Lagoon but no such luck.  I spent the rest of the day walking the streets calling for her and knocking on doors.  I checked animal shelters and finally decided to make lost dog posters.  I was so sad and frantic.  I talked to everyone that I saw outdoors.  Finally I headed up to meet Angie at her work so that we could go to dinner and then pick up our girls.  As we were eating I got a call from a lady that I had talked to earlier and she had Roxy.  I was SO relieved!  What a crazy day!

Naughty little girl amongst her "missing" posters.
We stayed in Orem at the Goodwin's house for about 6 days.  We went swimming, went to CrossFit, and even went with Angie to Vernal to do a fitness booth for a company she works for.  I ended up doing the contest they were having.  It was hard because it was super hot, high elevation, and I had a very stiff and painful neck.  We had a blast driving up in her big green van.  

This was the temperature reading driving through Nevada
Gilly and Roxy making themselves comfy in the back seat
The Outlaw Throwdown in Vernal, Utah.  I took second place.
Now I am in Huntington Beach with the Sheldons.  I miss Darren like crazy but it is good to see my family and friends.  Alice is so funny and cute.  She has a superhero fetish.  Every day she wears her batman shirt and hat.  Her swimsuit is a Spiderman rash guard and shorts.  And of course her pjs are Superman.  The girls are having so much fun in the sun.
Alice's fine swimwear
Everyday wear
Fricke's pool
I 'm trying to be cool like Alice