Tuesday, October 29, 2013


The chill is in the air and the leaves are bright orange and red and beautiful.  Jimmy has come back to sit on our porch swing for the month. We like Jimmy. 

Early this month I got to go to Huntington Beach and be with my family.  Laura graduated from nursing school and they moved to Pittsburg.  I'm glad I got to go visit before they moved.  

Especially glad I got to see my darling nieces.  Alice wears batman or spiderman shirts every day as well as a spiderman mask.  She also likes to put a water dish on the floor and drink from it like a puppy.  She also barks out the window.  Super cute.  So dang cute.  And Mary and Georgia are so cute and sweet.  I got to go to all three of their soccer games on the Saturday I was there.  And it was 80 degrees.  

Back here in Washington it is definitely sweater/coat weather.  We have had one week where it was solid fog.  Serious fog.  And now we have seen a week of bright blue skies and a sweltering 50 degrees for the high.  

We love having two wood burning stoves.  It really helps warm up the entire downstairs.

I've always wanted to have an old fashioned photo taken.  We had this taken at the fair in September.  It was back when Darren had his "choncho", which is what Drew named his lamb chop mustache.  I think this photo is very fitting, especially for Gavin.

We had to get Gavin to agree to take a picture to submit for his senior photo.  He didn't want anything fancy.  I kind of got some smiles out of him.  I'm sure that when the girls are seniors they are going to want a real photographer.

Can't believe he's a senior!!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Drew turned 14 on September 26th.  I can't believe she's fourteen.  She's the most beautiful 14 year old girl ever.  Of course I'm a bit biased, but she just is.  She sprained her ankle just before her birthday and has been on crutches ever since.  She gets to have a key to the elevator at school that she wears on a blue crystal lanyard around her neck.  

She is a sensitive soul.  Everything that everyone and anyone says effects her.  I am constantly telling her to stop worrying.  She is so dang sweet.  It is hard to be mad at her for long because she is quick to apologize when she has been wrong and she is usually a rule follower.  She gets pretty frustrated that Gillian copies her so often but I try and tell her that it's because she's so cool.  I am so lucky that she is a good example to her younger sister.  

Love this girl!!!