Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Poor Dear Deer

I think that living out here in the sticks has turned Darren into a verified redneck. 
He hit a deer on his way home from work.  Why the heck leave it on the side of the road?  (Other than it's illegal to collect roadkill here).  So the first thing he says to me when he gets home is "want to get bloody?'   Ummmm.... no.  I don't.  But I will take pictures.  I guess if I didn't have 1,000 other things to do in the house maybe I would help cut up the poor creature. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A weekend of no work

I have been working nonstop around here lately.  With 10 acres I have plenty to do and I like to take advantage of the nice weather and long daylight hours.  Last Friday night Drew had her 8th grade dance.  It almost made me panic because I wanted to work outside and she said that dad and I were supposed to go to her friend Julia's house for dinner and to take pictures before the dance.  She chose my clothes that I was to wear (she's always afraid I'll show up places in sweats or overalls).  I obliged and had a very nice time.  Her friend's parents own 1,200 acres and do farming and other ventures with their land.  It was a beautiful night and they have an amazing view.  Drew went with a big group of friends, including a boy named Jordan, who she assured me was NOT a date.... just a friend.  She looked absolutely stunning and had a great time.  

Emma, Jacob, Gillian, Drew

Isabelle, Drew, Bethany

Jordan and Drew
Then on Saturday I didn't get to work outside either.  Our ward's mutual volunteered at the Special Olympics at Fort Lewis.  It was a great day.  Gavin met a guy named Jeff (one of the athletes) and ended up hanging out with him most of the day after he escorted him to the first aid tent after he fell and skinned his elbows.  Gavin went to his races and cheered him on.  They also exchanged phone numbers and became Facebook friends.  

Gillian and Drew worked some other booths and enjoyed helping the athletes as well.  Darren and I were on the basketball court all day and it was hot.  We pretty much baked in the sun for 4 hours. I also threw a basketball to a little kid and hit him in the face, making him cry.  Not cool.  Darren will never let me live that one down. 

 On the way home the kids were exhausted.  But we were all happy that we got to participate in something so awesome.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Best mom ever!!!

This is my mama Patsy.  She is the very best mom ever!

She let me wear bikinis when I was very young.

And she dressed me and Richard in fancy clothes

And she even made matching dresses for mama and baby

We got to pick flowers

And of course she helped me walk.

My mom set a very good example for me on how to be a mom.  It's not an easy job but it is ever-changing and exciting.  Patsy always seemed to handle her job with grace and patience, something I'm still working on.


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Our trip in pictures

After long days in the sun Drew usually fell asleep on a chair or the couch
Gillian paddleboarding at Kahana Bay
Lunch with the Palmers at Kahana
Marley the three legged dog
Gillian, Minami, Mikey, Sophie and Drew playing bocce ball
Jumping for joy at Hukilau beach 

Sophie photo bombing the girls picture
The girls swimming up to two turtles at Pounders
Drew jumping off the rock at Waimea 
At our condo at Turtle Bay.  The three girls shared a room
Mikey Palmer 
Drew at Temple beach.  My old back yard

Breakfast :)
Bec on our hike to Wailele Falls, behind the PCC

Me and Bec jumping off the falls at Wailele

On the hike to Wailele with Beau 
Our rental truck 

Me and Drew at Kahana Bay
Our adopted cat Lily.  She hung out on our back porch and the girls fed her

Temple beach

My old back yard