Sunday, May 15, 2011

Burned faces

Three days ago I had a laser resurfacing treatment on my sun damaged face. It hurt. Now my skin is rough like sandpaper and shedding like a snakes skin. It is probably a good thing that I live in this sun starved climate and not in California or Hawaii like I wish. I love the sun but my skin does not. Therefore, I got a Fraxel laser treatment.

Yesterday Darren and Gavin went with the scouts on a hike up Mt. Rainier. It was cloudy and they put on sunscreen at the beginning of the climb, knowing that you can get burned through the clouds. There was slushy snow to trod through but it was rather warm for hiking. Probably in the 60's, which to Washingtonians is a heat wave. Plus they were at high altitude which did not bode well for their well-being. Darren and the rest of the guys sweated profusely throughout the hike and didn't bother to reapply sunscreen. Gavin is burned but nothing like Darren. Darren is oozing yellow liquid from blisters on his forehead and neck and it looks like he's had lip implants. He has forbade me from touching his lips.

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