Thursday, June 18, 2009

Worst Day Ever!

It's amazing how quickly a day can turn from good to the Worst Day Ever. This is according to the darling Gillian. She was not invited to the 3rd grade after school party at the Jenson's, just Drew was. Tears, ranting and raving, foaming at the mouth, until Kassie came over and told her to get her swimsuit on and come over. But in the meantime I found a note that she had written. It needs some explanation since she has altered it after the worst day ever was over. I came in to find on the table an angry note saying "From Gillian....This is the 'Wrst' day ever!" When I commented on it she said "I didn't write that." A little while later she brought it to me and the "From Gillian" at the top was scribbled out and "mistery name" was added with clues as to who really wrote it. "Starts with a D." Hmmmm, Darren! But no! Not Darren. At the very bottom in very tiny letters the "mistery" is solved, "it's Drew."

Then she decided to try to get Gavin in trouble. She brought Drew the following paper.

I have no words for this one. When I told her that Gavin has been out riding his bike with Joel all afternoon and didn't have time to construct a death note she said "maybe he did it earlier." Then I just looked at her and she said "Ok, I did it!" Then she ran off to play with Drew.

Is this normal? Does she need counseling?

1 comment:

zq said...

Haaahaaahaaa. haaaahaaahaaa. That's good stuff. I like the evel face.