Sunday, August 9, 2009


So it seems like I've been too busy to blog. I just now got around to getting photos off my camera and there were over 400.
We had a great time in California with cousins. Spent about a week in Huntington Beach and a week in Castro Valley. Then when we returned home we had a full week of wicked hot weather. We topped out at 105 degrees one day. So needless to say I didn't get much done that week in the house. It would have been child abuse to keep the kids home in a 90 degree house. One night I got it cooled down to 89 degrees. Strangely enough I really enjoyed that week. Then we had an extreme turn around for the next week. Back to the reality of low clouds and 65 degrees. That made Darren very happy. So, to sum up this past month..... California for 2 weeks, then a week of melting hot blissful weather, and then the usual blah, cold, clouds.

Fricke's pool.

Georgia's permanent wedgie. We called her Princess Buttcheek.

All the kiddos love Emily

Gavin's favorite part of the trip: tour of USS Hornet

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