Sunday, December 6, 2009

Random thoughts

Every night I think about catching up on my blog. Then I fold laundry, clean up, and think I'll do it tomorrow. So this will be some scattered thoughts about the past few weeks.

First, I've been wanting to post this picture of Gavin putting his photoshop skills to good use. Grandma Patsy should be so proud. Yes, that's Obama becoming Satan. I swear I had nothing to do with it. He has his own opinions.

Then there was Thanksgiving. Usually I eat until I want to die but I was good this time, at least until dessert. I'm not a big turkey fan, but desserts, forget about it! At least I had a good workout that morning. The Greenhalgh's always have copious amounts of food. Darren's back has been killing him for a couple of weeks and the only way it feels better is when he lays on his belly. So there he is on Thanksgiving, finding his spot under the piano. I joined him for a while until my back started killing me.

Gillian spent Thanksgiving morning making cards. This one was for Bryan.

My nose is healing but still painful. The cartilage on the right side will need to be fixed eventually as it is getting more and more crooked as it heals. But still I think it looks good. The doctor said he will have to amputate the foot of the cartilage. Again, he has such a great bedside manner.

Drew, Drew, Drew. Sometimes there's just not enough reassuring I can do for that girl. About a month ago she wanted me to cut her hair into a short bob. She was certain, positive, insistent. I knew it would come back to bite me. She loved it the first night. Then the next day she didn't like it at all but by the evening she loved it. Now she asks every day how fast it takes for hair to grow. "Will it be to my shoulders by Christmas?" No, it won't. So then she comes up with the logical conclusion that it will never grow and I can't convince her otherwise. Finally, I'm so sick of it that I tell her that she's right, it will never grow. I had hoped that that would make her realize how ridiculous she was being. It didn't work. So then I had to reassure her for the next few weeks that hair does grow. And I made her promise not to ask about it again. That didn't work either. She is a very persistent, worry-prone girl. I love her.

The girls have been having handstand contests daily. They make a score sheet with tally marks. It's pretty cute. They are really loving gymnastics.

One day I had Isabelle Greenhalgh here for the day to play with Gillian. When I came upstairs they had made a movie theater out of my bed and invited all of their stuffed animals. Even had a bowl of popcorn on the bed. So cute.

We finally got the tree up. Once again I feel like we have too many ornaments on it but the kids love the variety. It is also a bit on the lopsided side. And I have a little tree by my "office". I think that we need a couple more trees for all of the ornaments.

The End.

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