Friday, February 26, 2010


This has been a very long week. Starting on Tuesday Drew was home from school for 3 days. She said that her throat, head and stomach hurt. No fever, no outward signs of illness except for droopy eyes and whining, whining, whining. By Wednesday Gillian caught on and didn't want to be left out so she said her ears hurt. Not that I didn't want to believe her, but when she started doing handstands and cartwheels at 12:30 I told her it was time to go to school. She said she was just practicing but decided she probably felt ok to go to school. Then on Thursday both the girls were home. I gave up trying to convince Gillian that she wasn't sick. Bad mom. I figure she will pass second grade and I wanted her to keep Drew company so that Drew wouldn't hang on me all day complaining of a headache/sore throat/achy stomach. She asked to go to school at 1:40. I guess she got bored of being sick. This time I didn't let her since there was only one hour left. It's funny because Gillian's symptoms were the exact same as Drew's, including feeling drowsy. I wonder if she knows exactly what drowsy means because she wasn't acting drowsy at all. She was very cute and thoughtful on the first day of Drew's illness. She rubbed Drew's back, snuggled her and brought her breakfast in bed.
At 3:00am Gavin woke me up saying he threw up in the hallway. Sure enough there was a nice spread of vomit going down the hall toward the bathroom. Then he continued vomiting throughout the rest of the very early morning. Poor kid. He was white as a sheet with a slight greenish tint. He didn't eat anything all day but was able to keep some fluids down. I've never seen a kid throw up so much.
The good part was that the girls were very eager to escape the barf germs and go to school.
So that was my week.
My house has a certain stink to it right now.

1 comment:

anjmae said...

Cyn, I just caught up on your blog (again) and your family is so quirky and fun! I cannot believe how much your family barfs! It seems that D is mostly left out of the barf-fests, but man--you must be a professional at cleaning up the stuff. That is SOO my least favorite job!!! Great to see your happenings! :)