Sunday, May 16, 2010

8th birthday, baptism, and Heather's wedding

The past couple of weeks have been very busy. Gillian turned 8 on May 7th and got baptized on May 8th. Lots of family came for the baptism, which was really great. Grandma and Grandpa Crockett came for a couple of days. After she was baptized Gillian followed me into the dressing room and was so excited. She said "I want to do that again!". She couldn't stop smiling.

Then this past Friday my niece Heather got married. Hard to believe that she was 3 years old at my wedding. Wow.
I was gone at the wedding/lunch all day and when I came home I found that Holly had eaten my Gerber daisies that I had just planted. There were 3 before I left and now there are 2. I mean she ATE them. Gone. Weird.

Gillian had 9 little girls over for her birthday party on Saturday. It was crazy. It was fun. We decorated flipflops with cloth flowers and stick on gems. They turned out really cute. Later in the evening Gillian was in tears because we didn't get to do everything that she had planned on doing. If we had done everything that she wanted to do the party would have lasted 10 hours.

Drew was a great helper with the activities.
Gavin strapped on his knife, got his survival pack on and followed me around wanting to talk about airsoft guns and knives. Not very helpful. And yes, he does own a gas mask. Never know when that could come in handy. Especially at a girl birthday party.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just breathe

I really hate dealing with numbers. I would rather teach 5 cycling classes a day than balance a checkbook. So now I have a new job. Doing bookkeeping for the office. The weather has been gloomy, I've been teaching at the gym, I'm tired and the house is dirty. The dogs go out and run around and come inside before I have a chance to wipe off their feet. My beautiful carpet (HA!) is getting even more lovely! Yesterday I was supposed to be at Drew's class at 2:00 to do an art lesson. I remembered at 2:15, right as she was calling from school. I was deep into doing Quickbooks and just plain forgot. So now I get to do it today, along with all of the other things I didn't get done yesterday. I guess it's better to be busy than not.