Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just breathe

I really hate dealing with numbers. I would rather teach 5 cycling classes a day than balance a checkbook. So now I have a new job. Doing bookkeeping for the office. The weather has been gloomy, I've been teaching at the gym, I'm tired and the house is dirty. The dogs go out and run around and come inside before I have a chance to wipe off their feet. My beautiful carpet (HA!) is getting even more lovely! Yesterday I was supposed to be at Drew's class at 2:00 to do an art lesson. I remembered at 2:15, right as she was calling from school. I was deep into doing Quickbooks and just plain forgot. So now I get to do it today, along with all of the other things I didn't get done yesterday. I guess it's better to be busy than not.

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