Sunday, June 13, 2010

At least I blog inside my mind....

So many random thoughts float through my head on a daily basis. "Gotta blog about river rafting, gotta blog about George's cone-head...." And usually the thoughts just stay right there in my head. So, here are some highlights of the past 2 weeks....

Drew's final track meet. Notice she's always smiling when she runs.

Camping in Wenatchee with friends and river rafting. Gavin's first girlfriend (the 2 year old little girl on her mom's lap). He played with her all weekend, she is very cute.
Me and Katie taking a break from our paddling/rafting duties.
George got a sliver in his paw and wouldn't stop licking it so he needed the cone and antibiotics. He was having a hard time fighting off Holly in this picture. Note the bared teeth, I couldn't stop laughing at him.
So that's what's been going on. This is the last week of school. Sigh. I have a big bike ride next Saturday and I haven't trained much at all. It's 88 miles up (and down) Mt. St. Helen's. Not like it's a race or anything. I'm just going to do the best I can. Teaching Spin classes doesn't exactly translate into training for a big bike ride. Darn!

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