Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Today is Darren's 42nd birthday. Hard to believe. I just have to say that I feel like one lucky girl to be married to him. He really is too good for me. Here are some great things about him:
-He's a great dad
-Darren is kind to everyone
-I will never (well, rarely) get lost with him around because he always knows his way even if he's only been there once
-He never uses foul language and rarely loses his temper
-Always says he's sorry even if it's me who has done wrong
-Great knowledge of the scriptures
-Great knowledge of useful and useless trivia
-Fantastic dentist
-Incredible athlete
-So loving, giving, creative, smart
-Super duper handsome
-He can fix most everything and anything
-Lots and lots of other amazing traits
Love, love, love this guy!
Happy Birthday Darren! Can't wait for the next 42 years!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fun Fairy Friday and other stuff

Gillian had a friend over last Friday. Her friend, Natalie, brought her secret fairy handbook which contained many fun activities. They worked hard on their fairy garden. The first picture is before the final creation.
And just when I thought it couldn't get any cuter they had strung up paper lanterns, made clay seats and all sorts of fun things for fairies. I love the creativity. It sits outside our front window on the ledge and has been rained upon causing the marker sign to run. I don't have the heart to take it down.
Gillian also found a recipe for fancy fairy juice in the handbook.

In other news, we got new carpets. Wow, that was a big deal. We really needed them. It was interesting getting all the furniture into one room and then shifting it around. It's been about 3 weeks and I'm still putting stuff back.

Somehow I got everyone's stuff from their rooms into my
room while the rest of the upstairs was carpeted.
Drew turned 11! Such a beautiful young lady. And she's been complaining that she can't see very well. So after a trip to the eye doctor we were told that she just needed a slight prescription, not much. She was very excited to get glasses. That lasted for about a day after she got them and decided that she sees better without them. Good thing I spent time and money on that! She looks cute in them though.
Drew was served breakfast in bed for her big day.
And finally.... My real midlife crisis has arrived. Gavin shaved for the first time today. Sniff sniff. I got him an electric razor (he doesn't need zits AND nicks) and after his shower he came out with a smooth face. No more peach fuzz. I just don't know what to think about it all.