Sunday, February 20, 2011

My one true weakness

I've been watching a show called Larkrise to Candleford, kind of like a British Little House on the Prairie. Suzy brought it last week with her and then I watched it again in Castro Valley this past weekend. There is a lady in it with the unfortunate name of Dorcas Lane who often claims that food, baths, sweets, or whatever is before her at the time is her "one true weakness". I also have lots of "one true weaknesses" but I think that I've come to the conclusion that family is my one true weakness. Parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins--they are all so awesome.

I took a quick trip to the Bay Area this weekend for my cousin Marianne's wedding. It was lovely to relax and to see my family. Tyler, Kristen, and their kids stayed with us at mom and dads house. Their kids are so dang cute and well behaved. Little blonde curly haired blue eyed girls and two darling sweet boys. The boys were content to hang out with us grownups and play on our i-phones. Carden even said that he would have danced with me if we had stayed at the reception longer. Such a sweetie!

Johnny took me up to the trap shooting range and let me shoot his shotgun. It was pretty fun but I only hit 8 out of 25 traps.

Marianne looked so beautiful in her wedding dress and her new husband seems like a really great guy. It was great to see all of my cousins and it only makes me wish that I could see them a lot more often.

Now it's back to reality. I'm back home in Washington, the girls both have colds, and the kids have no school next week. Awesome.


zq said...

Family is my one weakness too. I wish I could have been there to spend time with everyone and see Marianne get married. She looks beautiful. Hope the kids feel better so they/you can enjoy winter break.

zq said...

I made a comment on your post last week but it didn't show up :(