Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'm old

So many things are changing. Gavin has his first girlfriend. Drew wears mascara to school. I turned 43 last week. I have wrinkles. Life is good.

On my birthday I spent quite a bit of time figuring out how to get a bird out of our wood burning stove. It flew down the flue into the stove. Gillian took video which I will have to try to upload tonight between the hours of 11pm and 4am thanks to our lovely satellite internet. Speaking of old, this computer is 5 years old and verrrrryyyy slow. Five year old computer coupled with satellite internet makes blogging, web surfing, downloading, uploading, writing papers, or doing anything, very very frustrating. But I will post proof of the bird drama later. Also, the bird brought a friend back a few days later. So we had two birds flying around our house and banging into the windows. It was soooo exciting for the kids and the dogs.

Darren took me to the Salish Lodge spa last Saturday night. It is at Snoqualmie Falls. I got a massage and we had a late dinner. It was so nice to get away with him if only for a few hours. He is always so thoughtful and knows how badly my neck and head have been hurting. I had hot rocks, hot towels, and a deep massage. I wish that the relaxing effects could last forever.

Did I mention that Gavin has a girlfriend???!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

HB visit

My mom flew me down to Huntington Beach last week to visit with my family. It was so nice. Alice kept me busy playing "animal puzzo piece." She never tires of her animal puzzle. I also played with Alice at the beach while Suzy went for a run. The fact that it is warm enough and sunny enough to go the beach in March blows my mind. The morning I flew out of Seattle it was snowing.

We celebrated mine and Laura's birthday. Mama hen was singing to us too. It's a battery operated hen that lays plastic eggs. Glad that the hen lives at Suzy's house because it has a very catchy tune that tends to get stuck in my head. "Mama hen's back again squakalakin lets begin......"

I also got to meet Manny, Laura's fiance. He's a pilot and has a small plane that he took me, dad, and Laura up in. He let me sit in the front and fly the plane. We flew over Catalina and the Queen Mary. The sunset was beautiful.

And of course, no Crockett family get together is complete without a word game of some kind