Sunday, April 13, 2014

Our trip in pictures

After long days in the sun Drew usually fell asleep on a chair or the couch
Gillian paddleboarding at Kahana Bay
Lunch with the Palmers at Kahana
Marley the three legged dog
Gillian, Minami, Mikey, Sophie and Drew playing bocce ball
Jumping for joy at Hukilau beach 

Sophie photo bombing the girls picture
The girls swimming up to two turtles at Pounders
Drew jumping off the rock at Waimea 
At our condo at Turtle Bay.  The three girls shared a room
Mikey Palmer 
Drew at Temple beach.  My old back yard

Breakfast :)
Bec on our hike to Wailele Falls, behind the PCC

Me and Bec jumping off the falls at Wailele

On the hike to Wailele with Beau 
Our rental truck 

Me and Drew at Kahana Bay
Our adopted cat Lily.  She hung out on our back porch and the girls fed her

Temple beach

My old back yard

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sailing in Waikiki

These pictures are all sort of jumbled around but since I didn't bring a mouse to Hawaii they are going to stay this way.  Monday we went sailing with Kimo on his 47 foot sailboat in Waikiki.  He actually lives on his boat docked in Honolulu.  
The trip started off great.  The girls had never been on a sailboat and got a little freaked out when the wind caught the sail and the boat started going sideways through the waves.  They ran downstairs and said they wanted to go back to Turtle Bay.  Once they got used to the fact that we wouldn't tip over they came up on deck and enjoyed the ride.  We put down anchor about a mile off Waikiki.  We were able to jump off the boat and paddle surfboards over to the surf break.  Kimo brought his friends Tim and Pam from the Bay area.  They were super cool and fun.  They took the girls surfing while Rebecca and I manned the boat.  
On our way back in we were just about to the buoys leading to the harbor and some rope in the sail snapped and things went awry.  Kimo couldn't get the sail in and the wind was whipping it around.  The big rope got a big knot in it that was wreaking havoc on deck.  He lost a surfboard and a couple of hats.  The motor wasn't strong enough to get us to shore and it kept overheating.  So he called the coast guard.  The girls got all excited because they were certain that the coast guard guys would be cute.  They started putting on lip gloss and brushing their hair.  So funny.  Anyway, they showed up and boarded the boat and did some fancy thing to get the sail rolled up.  Then they had to tow us to shore.  
Then we all went to Bob's for dinner.  Yummy fish for dinner.  

Peeking out at the Coast Guard

at Bob's for dinner

Kimo threw Gillian overboard

Gillian manning the captains desk

Coast Guard!

Bec, Kimo and me :)

Kimo didn't have enough adult size life jackets on board

Pam and Tim

Gillian and Sophie had a blast in the bunk rooms

broken rope
So exciting for the girls!

Sophie and Gillian fell asleep as we were being towed to shore