Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Don't judge me!

Ok, what kind of white trash hillbilly mom am I. How could I let my child walk out of the house like this, let alone go to school like this, and especially on spring picture day. When Gillian walked through the door a couple of days ago and handed me her picture saying "I want to go by new pants", my first reaction was shock and horror. Then I took the picture into the other room, fell to the floor and laughed harder than I've laughed in years. Tears, stomach cramps, confused children staring at the spectacle. I don't know why it made me laugh that hard but I still laugh looking at it and even just thinking about it. I can imagine the photographer thinking "This poor little cute girl. Her mother must be living in a van down by the river, living off rat carcasses for dinner, and getting her pants and shoes from the dumpster."

She DOES have nice pants and shoes, these just happen to be her favorites. The pants were thrown out a couple of weeks ago and the shoes have been assigned to just playing in the dirt and not wearing anywhere public. Sorry Mary and Georgia, these gems won't be coming your way. I seriously don't even remember her leaving the house on picture day looking like a street urchin. I PROMISE! I have just a very vague recollection of thinking, "Oh, that's a cute shirt and her hair is brushed." What has become of me? At least I have something to chuckle about. I think that I must not have realized that it would be a full body photo shoot. SHOOT!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


What can I say, they are definitely my girls. About 2 weeks ago on a beautiful Friday afternoon I took the girls up to the Carlson's house. They are a family in our stake that has horses. The girls made sure they were appropriately dressed in jeans and cowboy boots for the occasion. The horse that they rode is a 22 year old mare named Hillary. Boy did they have fun. Drew's face lit up when she moved Hillary into a slow gallop and I think she would have ridden the whole day if I had let her. I sure am glad for friends who live close and don't mind us riding their horses.

Four eyes

Gavin was pretty happy to get his glasses last week. He was surprised at the details in the leaves on the trees. I remember when I got my glasses in 7th grade. Everything seemed to be jumping out at me. Colors even seemed brighter. I think he looks pretty darn cute in his specs!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Proof of massive growth spurt

Okay, please go back to my post in November around Thanksgiving and look at the same two people standing back to back. It was only six months ago and look what happened to Gavin! What the heck!! And I can assure you that there are no smoke and mirrors here, no tricks of any kind. Wow, makes me feel old.

Gavin is also growing up in maturity as well. After I was scratched his back in his bed the other night and was about to leave he asked me to stay a bit longer because he wanted to tell me something. He said "Mom, I had a missionary experience today." He proceeded to tell me about how in homeroom a group at his table was talking about religion. He spoke up and said he was mormon and told the kids all about Joseph Smith restoring the gospel and bringing back the priesthood to the earth. He had no fear of being mocked, he just plainly told them that Joseph Smith prayed in the woods and had a vision of God the Father and Jesus Christ. I was so proud and dumbfounded because at that age there's no way that I could do such a thing. Truth is I still have a hard time speaking to others about my beliefs. I thanked him for being such a good example to me. He then went on to tell me that one of the girls at that table is so easy to talk to and that he really enjoys talking to her. Then he asked me where his Axe cologne spray was and told me to buy a new bottle of mouthwash. Uh, oh. I want him to still think that girls have cooties. I'm certainly not ready for this.


Even though Gillian's birthday isn't until next week we decided to have her party today. We thought it would be perfect to have a Cinco de Mayo themed party complete with a pinata. She asked every day this week if we could just have her party on that very day. Then this morning it started with "How many hours till my party?" The party didn't start until 4:00pm, so by 10:00am I was very tired of this question. I forbade her from asking the question anymore and busied her with having her help me decorate her cake. She was all to happy to do it. Sometimes it doesn't take much to refocus her attention. But as soon as the cake was done she started in again with the "How many hours now?" questions. We had to leave the house and go to the Peay's to play. It was a fun party with sombreros, maracas, noise, and a pinata. Drew and Sophia were a big help in running the party. Drew is so grown up sometimes. She really took charge and made sure the girls were having fun. By the end of the party I was pretty tired. Darren got home from Arizona right as the girls were all leaving and I was relieved to see him. Joelle had also stayed for the whole fiesta and helped out a ton. What would I have done without so much help? Mayhem would surely have ensued.