Saturday, May 2, 2009

Proof of massive growth spurt

Okay, please go back to my post in November around Thanksgiving and look at the same two people standing back to back. It was only six months ago and look what happened to Gavin! What the heck!! And I can assure you that there are no smoke and mirrors here, no tricks of any kind. Wow, makes me feel old.

Gavin is also growing up in maturity as well. After I was scratched his back in his bed the other night and was about to leave he asked me to stay a bit longer because he wanted to tell me something. He said "Mom, I had a missionary experience today." He proceeded to tell me about how in homeroom a group at his table was talking about religion. He spoke up and said he was mormon and told the kids all about Joseph Smith restoring the gospel and bringing back the priesthood to the earth. He had no fear of being mocked, he just plainly told them that Joseph Smith prayed in the woods and had a vision of God the Father and Jesus Christ. I was so proud and dumbfounded because at that age there's no way that I could do such a thing. Truth is I still have a hard time speaking to others about my beliefs. I thanked him for being such a good example to me. He then went on to tell me that one of the girls at that table is so easy to talk to and that he really enjoys talking to her. Then he asked me where his Axe cologne spray was and told me to buy a new bottle of mouthwash. Uh, oh. I want him to still think that girls have cooties. I'm certainly not ready for this.

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