Saturday, May 2, 2009


Even though Gillian's birthday isn't until next week we decided to have her party today. We thought it would be perfect to have a Cinco de Mayo themed party complete with a pinata. She asked every day this week if we could just have her party on that very day. Then this morning it started with "How many hours till my party?" The party didn't start until 4:00pm, so by 10:00am I was very tired of this question. I forbade her from asking the question anymore and busied her with having her help me decorate her cake. She was all to happy to do it. Sometimes it doesn't take much to refocus her attention. But as soon as the cake was done she started in again with the "How many hours now?" questions. We had to leave the house and go to the Peay's to play. It was a fun party with sombreros, maracas, noise, and a pinata. Drew and Sophia were a big help in running the party. Drew is so grown up sometimes. She really took charge and made sure the girls were having fun. By the end of the party I was pretty tired. Darren got home from Arizona right as the girls were all leaving and I was relieved to see him. Joelle had also stayed for the whole fiesta and helped out a ton. What would I have done without so much help? Mayhem would surely have ensued.

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