Monday, November 9, 2009

family fun

Saturday was a typical Crockett day (hard manual labor), not a Greenhalgh day (no manual labor). We had the kids put on their rain gear and work clothes and come help us "prune" the tree in front. We took the pruning very serious and now it looks like a crazy short haired tree. It was seriously out of control though and Darren just cut up to where he could reach with the chainsaw on a 6 foot ladder. No more raking leaves! So happy about that. Gavin REALLY enjoyed using the chainsaw and I pretended that it didn't worry me at all. But in truth I am a typical mother and the sound of a chainsaw in my 13 year olds hands was not at all comforting. Especially when Darren told him "don't use the tip of the saw, you could cut your leg off". Or at least that's how I heard it. Then Bryan brought over his chipper shredder which Gavin also liked and that made me imagine fingers and arms being chewed up and spit out the other end. Sometimes I let my mind run wild (another Crockett thing?). But we did get a lot of work out of Gavin. Usually he gives us about 20 minutes tops, but he spent hours out there on Saturday. Drew helped for quite a while and Gillian raked a few leaves. Whew! What a day.

In the evening Darren and I went on a date which consisted of picking up his suits from the suit shop, having a taco from Taco Time and splitting a Dr. Pepper. We just get more and more exciting in our 40's! Then we came home to find the girls asleep in our bed surrounded by chocolate wrappers and their halloween candy bags. We should get a Parents of the Year award.

1 comment:

zq said...

I remember Gavin swinging an ax and chopping up wood on a Tanglewood visit. We Crockett kids sure know how to have fun and get work done at the same time.