Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mother of the Year

No, I am not Mother of the Year.
This was a weird week. The kids had Tuesday and Wednesday off for Veterans day. So we decided it would be a good time to get their cavities filled and teeth cleaned. Gillian has about 6 cavities. She was very brave when she got her teeth filled. You would think that a dentist's kid wouldn't have cavities. The funny part is what happened leading up to going to the dentist.

I had Joelle's four kids over in the morning and was going to drop off the six of them to Joelle's while Gillian went to get her cavity filled. I called everyone to pile into the Suburban to go. A bunch of little girls and two boys got in so I left. When I got to Joelle's to drop everyone off and take Gill she asked where Drew and Sophia were and I told her I was pretty sure that they got out and ran to the back yard. Then I left. Before I got to the end of the street she called and said "So Drew and Sophia are still at your house." I told her no, I was sure I just dropped them off. Then she said that Evan had told her that the girls didn't want to come so they just stayed home. Wow. Then I realized that I really didn't remember seeing them in my car. She went over to get them and they had locked themselves out of the house and were running around outside. At least they were ok. But I felt stupid. I guess my mind has been very preoccupied.

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