Monday, April 26, 2010

14, 4th place and other stuff

This is a very dark picture but it will have to do. Drew placed 4th at her gymnastics State meet on Friday night. Very exciting. She is long and lean and looks more like a ballerina but she does well at gymnastics. It was a very LONG meet on Friday night but fun to watch.

Ok, I can't believe that my firstborn is 14. What the heck happened? Am I really 41 and he's 14? He went on a hike to Mt. Si with Darren and the scouts on his birthday and later went to a movie with Darren and Spencer. No more Rescue Heroes, matchbox cars or GI Joe's. He just wanted a multi-tool gadget and a pair of Vans.

1 comment:

zq said...

Big kids! Big Stuff!