Sunday, June 20, 2010

All suffering comes to an end

I was thinking of titles for this blog and a close runner up was "Be ye prepared..." So this first picture is of me and my friend Ann before the Tour de Blast began. We were supposed to have 72 degree weather and zero percent chance of rain. Turned out that we had 60 degree weather and nothing BUT rain. The real problem I had was the lack of time I spent training. Most of the friends I rode with had spent a lot of time on their bikes this year. Smart. The ride started in a town called Toutle, just at the base of Mt. St. Helen's. It's 42 miles to the top at Johnson's Ridge. There were some pretty good climbs, mostly just a steady gradual uphill for the first 15 miles. Then it got crazy. After the first food stop we were warned that there was heavy rain and slick roads ahead. They weren't kidding. By this time the fog had also become very thick. A lot of people had bailed by then. It was kind of spooky fog with an occasional cyclist. The rain did let up a bit at times but there was usually at least a mist and always a spray of water up the back from the road. I have no idea why I kept going other than pure stubbornness. Darren drove up to the top and waited for me. It got colder and colder the higher we climbed (42 degrees at the top) and the last 20 or so miles my feet and hands were frozen, numb, tingly, scary! I didn't so much care about my feet but it was hard to shift gears or brake because I couldn't feel my fingers. At the top my saving grace was Darren, the car, and a dry set of cycling clothes. I tried not to linger too long because I was frozen and just wanted to get down. Our friend Robin had ridden the final stretch with me and was drenched, teeth chattering, but still willing to go on. Darren gave him his dry coat and Robin started off behind me for the long ride down. It's pretty steep at the top which was the worst part. I would rather ride up in those conditions any day than ride down. My teeth were chattering, fingers numb, road slick, foggy.... I was shivering so badly but I knew I had to just suck it up and go. Plus, I knew that Robin was right behind me and he was in just as bad shape as I was, but he didn't have new dry clothes. Then I saw a black Suburban pull alongside of me and slow down as Robin looked at me with a big smile from the passenger seat. That did it for me. Now I knew I HAD to finish because Robin and Bryan had both quit. My shoulders and neck and low back were on fire the whole last half of the ride. Once I got down to 3000 feet it wasn't so cold but I was completely soaked to the bone again. From there I'm not really sure what happened or how I got to the bottom. I had the song "Scripture power" (primary song) stuck in my head the whole time. My mind wandered to the most random things. And the whole time my feet were numb and my back and neck were in spasm. I've never wanted off my bike so badly in my life. I just kept telling myself that it would eventually come to an end, which it did after 84 miles. As I came to a stop by Darren I could barely get off my bike. I was soaking wet, muddy, and happy that I had stuck it out. Maybe next year I'll train before the event!

1 comment:

Caroline Brock said...

What a ROCKSTAR you are! Where do you get all that determination?? 84 miles in horrible conditions?? Wow. I love it!