Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial weekend

Darren was determined to do a Banks Lake trip before summer. We haven't ever been there before August so I didn't know what to expect. It ended up being a fantastic weekend. We headed out on Thursday and got there late Thursday evening and got there in a rainstorm. Luckily we had the camper.

We decided to take a chance and take the dogs. They had the time of their life and it was fun having them there. On Friday late afternoon the Peays and Bub/Joelle came. So there were a total of 10 kids, 6 adults and 4 dogs. Fun.

Darren wore his rubber boots all weekend, no matter the outfit.

Gavin was in heaven with his survival gear. We drank from pond water with his special water filter and whittled sticks with Gav's many knives. There were these awesome rocks to hike on right next to our campsite.

Gavin usually won't let me take pictures.....

Unless he's posing.

Good thing Gav brought his gas mask for the bathroom.

The sun came out a few times and we took full advantage. We found great beach that we drove to in the boat. The dogs ran, kids dug in the sand and clay, we relaxed and soaked in the sun. It was a great family weekend. No TV, no computers, no video games. Just campfires, hiking, boating, and friends.
The cleanup is horrendous but oh so worth it!

1 comment:

Caroline Brock said...

TELL DARREN THANKS FOR THE BELLY LAUGH. That picture of him in his boots and boxers is priceless!!!