Tuesday, November 30, 2010

snow days and stuff

It is supposed to be a very snowy winter, hooray! Last week it started off that way on Monday. That, of course meant 2 days of cancelled school. The kids and dogs had fun in the snow.
And with Gillian, I've created a monster. She went to Crossfit with me 3 times last week. She works out hard and everyone loves her. She now has her own little Agoge Gym shirt and even wore it to school. She is very upset tonight because I went this morning and she wants to go tonight. Sorry, have to pack for Huntington Beach. Yes, we are going to Disneyland and the girls are so excited. Gavin said that he would rather go to Alaska. Oh well, so sad for him.

Gillian's great form performing pushups
....and pull-ups
Doing "thrusters" with a 15 pound bar.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Augmenticillin and Crossfit

This past month has been a month of strep throat, bronchitis, lots of different antibiotics, sleepless nights, etc... Drew and Gavin have both been on Augmentin, Amoxicillin, and I've been on both. Many days of school have been missed by all 3 kids. I'm still coughing, Drew has intermittent sore throats, and Gavin almost passed out at karate. It was freaky, his face turned ghostly white and he looked dazed. They sent him over to sit by me and he said that his ears were ringing and his vision was blurry.

And yes, I know that I should be taking it easy but somehow a nice hard workout does my mind good. I'm not nearly at 100% but I love my new Crossfit gym and it's hard not to go. It is physically the most difficult workout I've ever done. Every day it's a different workout and every day I think that it couldn't possibly get harder. I can now do pull ups (we've done over 100 in just one workout!), and lots of pushups. Gillian loves to come with me and she exercises the whole time. I love it! My little mini me! Last night she joined me and Darren and we did kettle bell swings together. While Darren and I ran around the building she did pushups and sit ups. Darren is also getting stronger and loving/hating the workouts. Everyone there uses the white board to track their progress and Gillian made up her own little system.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Haircuts and Things

Gillian was so excited last week to get a haircut in an actual salon (Hairmasters). I can't believe that that was the first time I took her to get her hair done by a pro. She smiled the whole time and kept saying "I love it" about her hair afterward. Drew also got a cute new A-line bob.

It rained buckets and buckets a few days ago so I spent the day in my rubber boots. People in stores and the bank said I was pretty smart. Maybe not fashionable, but smart. That's just what you have to do living in Washington.

Gillian was home sick this past Monday. Drew and Gavin have both had strep in the past few weeks, and I've had bronchitis. Luckily Gillian just had a cold. Speaking of cold, this is how I found her at the computer when she was ill. Guess it's time to turn up the heat!

Halloween was fun. Gavin ordered a hazmat suit online and was..... a guy in a hazmat suit I guess. And of course the gas mask topped it off.

Gav helped me get outfitted for the trunk or treat at church. Basically we raided his closet. Funny thing is that Rebecca showed up in an army getup as well. We didn't even plan it.

Drew and Natalie Peay were Thing 1 and Thing 2. So stinking cute! She was nice and comfy and toasty warm.

Gillian was a Candy Corn Witch. Cutest Candy Corn Witch I've ever seen!

I told the kids to hide their candy from me but they didn't. Sometimes my self control is greater than others.

Today was kind of a rough day. Darren came home to pack for Scottsdale, I'm stressed out, a few tears were shed as I sat on my bed feeling sorry for myself. Gillian came in and saw me, went out and shut my bedroom door while Darren and I discussed a few things. Then I saw two little hands pushing a note under my door. It made my cry even harder when I read it. Man, I love that little girl! That note reminded me that the most important things in my life are living with me right here in my house and even though it's chaotic most of the time there are some very sweet moments. I'm grateful for my life, even though things don't always go the way I would like them to go. Life goes on, and life is good.

The End!