Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Augmenticillin and Crossfit

This past month has been a month of strep throat, bronchitis, lots of different antibiotics, sleepless nights, etc... Drew and Gavin have both been on Augmentin, Amoxicillin, and I've been on both. Many days of school have been missed by all 3 kids. I'm still coughing, Drew has intermittent sore throats, and Gavin almost passed out at karate. It was freaky, his face turned ghostly white and he looked dazed. They sent him over to sit by me and he said that his ears were ringing and his vision was blurry.

And yes, I know that I should be taking it easy but somehow a nice hard workout does my mind good. I'm not nearly at 100% but I love my new Crossfit gym and it's hard not to go. It is physically the most difficult workout I've ever done. Every day it's a different workout and every day I think that it couldn't possibly get harder. I can now do pull ups (we've done over 100 in just one workout!), and lots of pushups. Gillian loves to come with me and she exercises the whole time. I love it! My little mini me! Last night she joined me and Darren and we did kettle bell swings together. While Darren and I ran around the building she did pushups and sit ups. Darren is also getting stronger and loving/hating the workouts. Everyone there uses the white board to track their progress and Gillian made up her own little system.

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