Tuesday, November 30, 2010

snow days and stuff

It is supposed to be a very snowy winter, hooray! Last week it started off that way on Monday. That, of course meant 2 days of cancelled school. The kids and dogs had fun in the snow.
And with Gillian, I've created a monster. She went to Crossfit with me 3 times last week. She works out hard and everyone loves her. She now has her own little Agoge Gym shirt and even wore it to school. She is very upset tonight because I went this morning and she wants to go tonight. Sorry, have to pack for Huntington Beach. Yes, we are going to Disneyland and the girls are so excited. Gavin said that he would rather go to Alaska. Oh well, so sad for him.

Gillian's great form performing pushups
....and pull-ups
Doing "thrusters" with a 15 pound bar.

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