Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dr. Gross

My friend Kathy, who owns the CrossFit gym I go to, suggested that I go see her "chiropractor" named Dr. Gross. Yes, that's his real name. She forewarned me that he does not do any spinal manipulation but somehow he works miracles. At this point I was willing to try anything. And I feel that I have tried everything, what's one more doctor? Wow. I have been in chronic pain for many many years. It has become a way of life for me, something that I always just deal with. Lately though it has really been dragging me down. Usually my hips are all locked up, shooting pains down my legs, and of course my neck issues. I didn't know what to expect but I kept an open mind. He does what he calls "functional neurology", or something like that. He's studied humans and animals for 28 years and is very sensitive to energy in the body. What he said that he was going to do sounded like voodoo to me but what the heck? What could it hurt? He needed to test me to see how many degrees out of rotation the second vertebrae in my neck is. He did this by me standing at the end of his hall and he walked away from me until he could no longer feel the extra energy that my body was emitting. He ended up in the parking lot right outside his front door. The he counts his steps as he walks back toward me and my number was 55. 55 degrees of rotation that my neck is out and you're supposed to be at 2 or below. What does this mean? I have no idea but I know it's not a good thing. Feeling skeptical at this point and most of what he says goes way over my head. I just want out of pain! Please crack my neck or SOMETHING!!! So he lays me on my back on the table and tests my reflexes and looseness in my hips and shoulders. Then he presses lightly on some points on my head, goes back to my legs, goes back to my shoulders, puts me in "neutral" and leaves me there for 5 minutes. Then I walk around and he does it again. Still slightly skeptical. He said that everyone's neurological system should be able to heal our ailments but a lifetime of experiences can build up the wrong patterns and cause all kinds of harm. I left the office feeling.....well......fine. I felt different. The pain eventually came back, and he said it would, but it was different. I felt for the first time in a very long time that my body was not at war with itself. I had a follow up appt. this morning and he did the same thing. I feel so much more relaxed and able to deal with the pain, and the pain is much less. I went to CrossFit tonight and Coach Nick was so amazed at the difference in the way I carried myself. I flew through the workout without pain! Unbelievable. I'm very hopeful that this will help me. Yay for Dr. Gross!

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