Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Dark Side

Sometimes Gillian just blows me away.
She is sooooo very intense. Tonight as I tucked her in she said that she wanted to talk to me about something. She was crying and she said that she did something today that she was ashamed of. There was a reading contest at school through the library and if you read a certain amount and handed in your reading log you got a prize. Her friends told her that she should just take one anyway, even though she didn't do the contest. She felt that she couldn't say no and she took the prize. It was wrapped up and she opened it and put it in her backpack. She said that on the way home she felt terrible and like she had "gone to the dark side". The guilt was wracking my poor girl's soul! She said that she felt better that she told me and she really wants to return the prize to the library teacher and say sorry. I'm so proud of her and I can only hope that her sensitivity to right and wrong will stay with her through her life. All of my kids are constantly teaching me lessons, even though they likely don't know it. I'm so grateful that I have them to keep me on the straight and narrow.

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