Sunday, April 17, 2011


We have a new horse. His name is Chuck. It was a surprise for the girls and it was very hard for me to keep it quiet. I found him on Tuesday and got him delivered to Carousel ranch on Friday. Darren told them that they would be taking riding lessons somewhere new, closer to home. When he brought them down I was riding around the arena and Drew came running up and asked where Image was (her lesson horse). I told her that Image is Ann's horse and Chuck is ours. Smiles from ear to ear, Gilli jumping up and down, and Drew finally said "I can't believe I'm not screaming and peeing my pants right now!". She pretty much just lived my childhood fantasy, even my grown-up fantasy. I'm sure that everyone who knows me thought that I might outgrow my horse craze someday. I figured that since now I'm a responsible adult with two horse crazy girls I'd better act on it. Chuck is 12 years old and very mellow--suitable for the whole family. Gavin hasn't shown much of an interest and hasn't even been over to see him. George went crazy over a fresh steamy pile of horse poop that Chuck dropped (I scooped it up before he could eat it all), and Holly got kicked in the head for getting to close (she's ok, dumb dog!).

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