Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring break

Seems like my kids have very frequent days off school. It began April 1st (no foolin') and will finally end tomorrow. Gillian has not once complained of an upset stomach, but I'm sure that will begin tonight at bedtime. She has an extreme dislike for school as of late. One day she brought her "mama and baby" whales in to me and said "this is how it's supposed to be, mama's and their kids should always be together like these whales, but you make me go to school."

This past week has been pretty mellow. Drew had another riding lesson, Gavin and I went to Dr. Gross, and I took the girls swimming at the gym. Mostly the kids hung out with cousins. We went skiing on Friday--with cousins. I'm so glad that they live close and that they all get along. Last weekend during the break between General Conference we put together our 72 hour kits. Gavin insists that we call them "bug out bags" because it is less nerdy. He's had his put together for over a year. His is very very detailed. It is his specialty. I'll always want him with me in case of disaster.

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