Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Del Cabo San Jose, Mexico

Last week Darren and I were able to go to Mexico for 4 glorious sun-filled days. Mom flew up to watch the kids. The trip was paid for by our financial advisors--Mercer. They fed us, entertained us, and sent us (me) to the spa. We really needed the break. It was my ideal vacation, blue sky, beach, pool, SUN, and no cooking. I know that Darren would have rather gone to Alaska but he still enjoyed himself. I think that this needs to become a tradition. We went to church on our last day there. It was a pretty little building in the middle of a not so pretty town. Half the people were wearing jeans and there was a kid in a cape holding a mylar balloon. Classic. It was cool.

1 comment:

Caroline Brock said...

What beautiful pictures! You guys look stunning--when see these I am reminded of you meeting Darren at BYU--you two still have that "college love" look!