Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gillian turns nine

Gillian really wanted a sleepover party for her birthday. I told her that she could have 3 friends. So it was Kassie, Isabelle, and Natalie O. They watched Flicka and had treats and giggled all night. In the morning Drew and Sophia woke up and made pancakes for the girls, served me pancakes in bed, and cleaned up the kitchen. They are such amazing girls.

Then, up to see Chuck. Drew wanted to bring him down and in the process got a black eye. Chuck whipped his head up from grazing while Drew was standing next to him and caught his head right in her eye. Ouch.

Chuck was in a bit of a mood but I got him calmed down enough for the girls to ride around the arena.

Cowboy Steve and his awesome spurs

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