Saturday, June 18, 2011

Great aspirations

For two weeks now I've gone around with a hockey puck sized hematoma in my left butt cheek. My rear is still bruised and painful and swollen. So yesterday after landing on my rear during a workout and screaming in pain I decided to go back to the doctor. My bump was growing and getting in the way of every day life. I couldn't lay on my back or sit on my left cheek. He sent me for an ultrasound and the radiologist said that it needed to be aspirated. After a shot of novocaine he put a large needle in my hockey puck and sucked out all of the hematoma. He got about 70cc's out (over 2 ounces) and now I can sit. I still have painful lumps and bruises but the uncomfortable butt implant is gone. Good riddance butt lump!

1 comment:

zq said...

did you mean great asspirations?