Saturday, July 9, 2011


I love my Gilli. I really do. On my trip with Drew's class to the zoo I snapped this photo because it reminded me of how every night is with Gillian. And I do love her..... It's just so hard to sleep with her. She spends half of the night trying to sneak in my bed. One time I was half awake at 2:30am and with my eyes half open I watched as she quietly and slowly lifted my covers and stealthily slipped underneath and cuddled right up next to me. It's nice for a little while until I doze off and wake up with both arms asleep and numb and I'm all sweaty. So I take her back to bed only to wake up 2 hours later with her back in my bed. Sneaky little thing she is. Darren is in Scottsdale this weekend so I told her she could sleep with me. Tonight I will be smart and put a pillow between us and tomorrow morning she will wake up pouting at me because I put a barrier between us. Time to go to bed now. Wish me luck. I do love her so...... really, I do.

1 comment:

zq said...

It must be your loud snoring that helps her sleep better.