Monday, July 11, 2011

Fireworks and blood spatter

Gavin had to leave early on the 4th of July for scout camp. He was bummed because that is his favorite holiday. We usually go up to the Indian reservation and get the "good" fireworks--ones that could blow a hand off. So we got away without spending a hundred bucks on explosives, nice. We went up to Bryce and Becky's for dinner and some fireworks and then over to Bub's and Joelle's.

Somehow Darren managed to shut his finger in the door of his truck. He slammed it all the way shut. It was pretty gory. I have a feeling that he will be leaving the blood spatter for a while as a reminder to remove his finger from the door jamb before shutting it. Pretty awesome. His finger is mashed up pretty good but since he is a tough guy he has just put a couple of bandaids on and called it good.

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