Thursday, December 27, 2012

Animals and burning trash

By now it is common knowledge that we have a few pets.  A couple of months ago I got two kitties to live in the barn.  Their job is to kill mice.  The other day I was pleased to see that they are taking their job seriously.  I found a tail and back leg and another unidentifiable part in the tack room where they live.  Hooray!  The black one is named Bo and the white one is Willy.  We don't want them to become feral or unfriendly so we frequently bring them in the house and they play with the dogs.  Funny how they knew immediately how to go potty in the kitty litter and some of my dogs still don't get it.  They are good kitties and we like them.  Like I said, they go poop in the litter box and that pleases me.  I clean the litter box several times a day if they are in the house because the dogs find their poop to be irresistible, kind of like a putrid Almond Roca.  I've found that the grosser it is, the tastier it seems to dogs.  I've grown used to seeing the dogs eat horse poop and for some reason it doesn't even bother me anymore.  

Keep in mind that the cat poop is in plastic bags in the garbage so that the dogs won't eat it.  Did I mention that the vet said to keep the dogs away from the cat poo because they had lots of parasites and bloody diarrhea?  Well, it's true and very nasty.  Trust me, I saw Bo poop out a 4 inch worm and I had nightmares for days.  

We have no garbage pickup here and Darren usually takes the garbage to the office to dump.  Well, he's gotten tired of this and he decided to burn all of our garbage like most of our neighbors do.  One of our neighbors even burned and entire Ford Explorer.  So Darren dragged all of the garbage out to a big burn pile and lit it up.  Did I mention that we don't have a garbage disposal, so all food leftovers and nastiness goes in the trash? Well, it's true.  Months old mac and cheese that was at the back of the fridge, moldy vegetables, and meat that's turned.... all in the trash.  Who knew that burning trash until it looks like charcoal wouldn't truly make trash un-edible?  I mean, really....why would ANY animal want to eat stinking, smoldering mac and cheese and rotten roast beef?  Not to mention the delicious cat poo.  My dogs are special.  Darren chased Holly away from the pile twice on Christmas Eve.  Then that evening he went up to check on the girls and stepped in a huge pile of dog vomit.  He turned on the lights and found 5 piles of barf in Drew's room.  So I was Bisseling Drew's room at 1:30am and the girls slept through it all.  Love those dogs!
Gillian's dog Roxy will always be a present for her.  

Gillian, Bo, and Willie

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