Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012 in pictures

We followed our usual Christmas Eve tradition last night of going to downtown Seattle and riding the carousel at Westlake mall and seeing the huge gingerbread houses.  Then we broke tradition by going out to eat at the Mediterranean Kitchen in Kirkland.  Yummy.  And stinky.  Seriously, you will offend most everyone you come within about 10 feet of after eating there due to copious amounts of garlic.  But it's worth it.  

Then we stopped by Bub's and Joelle's house (back to following tradition).  The girls all gathered around the tree to look at all of the Christmas presents and have a serious Santa discussion.  It's cute how they still do that for Lily's sake.  I think that they all still want to believe.  Heck, I would love to believe.  It sure would make my life a whole lot easier.  I love their enthusiasm and excitement.  

Drew turned into a zombie

So, Christmas morning in Snohomish.  I was too lazy to get the real camera and when I suggested it to Darren I guess that he was too lazy too.  So I get what I get with my i phone camera.  This is the kids waiting ever to eagerly to come down stairs and tear through presents. 

Darren and the kids thought it was hilarious to get me an enormous thermos due to the large amounts of herb tea that I consume throughout the day.  I thought it was a smart and practical gift.

Drew took her time patiently and slowly savoring her gift opening.  Mostly clothes for that girl.  Oh, and a BB gun. :)
Gillian got a bow and arrow kit.  
Gavin got a hunting rifle.  
Do you see a pattern???
Darren and I already have guns so we didn't need any more (at least that's what I think).
Apparently we are preparing for Armageddon.

Holly was sheepishly hiding under the piano, confused at all the commotion.....

While the other dogs were all over Darren wanting in on the action.

Gavin has a new girlfriend named Michaela.  Very sweet and cute girl AND she works at the feed store where I get hay and dog food.  She and Drew happened to get matching sweatshirts.  Camo was a popular theme at our house this season.  I even got in on the action.

We took the kids and Michaela to see the Hobbit at the movie theater.  It was 3 hours long but very good.

Then to round off the evening we played some family games.  It started off with Sorry and ended with Headbandz.  (yes, that's with a "z")

A very memorable and fun Christmas indeed.  Mostly I just loved being with my wonderful family all day.  I feel so blessed and grateful.

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