Tuesday, January 1, 2013


We've had three nights in a row of guests over.  I'm exhausted.  Which doesn't explain why I'm not asleep right now at 2:10am but that's another story....

Gillian has been playing hide or seek for 3 days now.  She always gets them with going behind the armoir that is on a diagonal in the dining room so that she can go behind and climb up the back and sit on top.  For some reason the other kids don't look up there and behind the fake trees.  The good news, no guests tomorrow night.

Earlier in the day Gavin took out his new rifle.  I was in the shower.  Whenever Holly sees Gavin with his gun she immediately runs and hides or finds me and cowers under me or as close as possible to me. This was a first.  She really doesn't like showers but I guess her fear of guns made her overcome her  dislike of water.  I should have taken the opportunity to shampoo her but she was scared and overwhelmed and I didn't want to make it worse.  Drew thought that it was so funny that she took a picture.  No, I really don't get much private time!

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