Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Slowing down

Gillian, Isabelle and Drew cruising on the quad

My New Year's resolution is to slow down.  Very atypical of all past resolutions and goals.  I am usually pushing my body too far too often and now I'm paying for it.  I am no longer 20 years old and my body is trying to tell me that, even though I try to tell myself that I can and should do everything that I want to do.  For some reason I have had major joint stiffness, muscle aches and pains and even swelling in my legs and ankles. Through it all I was going to CrossFit, mucking stalls, and staying up until all hours of the night (morning) just to get stuff done.  I realize that this cannot go on right now so I've decided that January is my slow down month.  If I'm tired I rest.  If I hurt, I rest.  If I'm stressed, I rest.  So far it's been difficult.  I'm not used to sitting down or taking naps.  I'm usually in a perpetual state of work and hurry.  I will be seeing a Naturopathic doctor soon to see if she can help me with my all over pain and stiffness.  AND.... the hardest thing ever is that I'm taking a month off CrossFit.  I hope that I am better soon and can return but I am in no shape for it (or much else) right now.  I'm trying to stay positive and not dwell on things like "rheumatoid arthritis" or "lupus".... just a couple of things my western doc seems to think could be wrong.  

I do wish that I had slowed down before I plowed into the back of a car on the freeway last Friday afternoon.  I was going for a lane change and by the time I looked back from looking over my shoulder, traffic was at a stop.  I slammed on my brakes and tried to bail into the carpool lane but  ended up careening into the back of a Jeep Cherokee.  The airbag punched me in the face and sent out an acrid smell that stayed with me for hours.  My arms tingled with the burn of the airbag.  It was surreal.  I really hope they can fix my car.  Now, if I can just get back to slowing down.

Stinky airbag is my friend

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